09 July 2007

Train Freak's Dream

The train freak's dream come true!

I have been wanting to ride the Shinkansen for as long as I knew there was such a thing... This is a picture of an E1 series Shinkansen - a MaxTanigawa. We rode this from Takasaki back to JR Ueno Station, on the way to Takasaki we rode the Asama Shinkansen. It was a blast! The MaxTamigawa was a little more noisy and wasn't quite as smooth as the Asama, but we were also riding on the bottom of a double - deck passenger car, I think that may have had something to do with noise and vibration. I look forward to another chance in the future, maybe a slightly longer ride than 50 minutes....


1 comment:

gamera63 said...

I think Max-shink passenger cars have 3 queue seats each side an aisle? Kinda tight!!
Shink might be comfy coz one runs fast, but almost always in the dark ( tunnels ) :( except Tokaido-shink.